Thursday, July 14, 2016

Gout Attacks - Why Me Not Others

We all are familiar with gout attack if you have suffered. The first sight is that your big toe joint feel extremely swelling and painful for no reason. It lasts about 2 weeks. You can’t walk or stand even touch your toe. Then, you go to see a doctor. The doctor will prescribe as Colchicine and Indomethacin for you. In addition, your doctor will ask you to get a test of eGFR (Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate), creatinine and uric acid. You take the medicines right away. Then you feel relieved. Your doctor might tell you to avoid high purine foods, such as beer, red meats, liver, seafood, beans etc. In the end, you are back to your life and you wonder what was happening to your body and why you got it not others. How do you avoid it?

Are the high purine-rich foods the problem?

High purine-rich foods, such as meat and seafood, contain proteins. Your body begins to digest protein in the stomach with the use of enzymes called proteases (mostly pepsin) which break the chemical bonds that hold proteins structures together.
From here, food travels to the top of the small intestine where the pancreas releases more proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin) to continue the digestive process. Once the remaining chemical bonds are broken down, the food travels down the intestine. If conditions are right, these amino acids should be absorbed into the bloodstream before the time they exit the body as waste.
These amino acids are carried through the bloodstream to the various cells of the body. Once within the cells, they are used by cell organelles called Ribosomes to create whatever protein that cell needs, like antibodies, muscle, collagen, hormones and enzymes. This is done with RNA, a copy of the DNA in the cell’s nucleus. Amino acids that are not used by the cells of the body are broken down by the liver in a process known as deamination. This removes the nitrogenous amine group, digesting the remainder as carbohydrate. The waste amine groups are converted into uric acid and passed to the blood where they are filtered by the kidneys.
Higher levels of meat and seafood consumption are associated with higher serum levels of uric acid. Dairy consumption was inversely associated with the serum uric acid level. [1]
Avoiding high purine-rich meat and seafood consumption can reduce the level of uric acid generated in the body. However, the waste of uric acid produced from cell metabolism is higher than the waste of uric acid from high purine-rich foods produced. Our body keeps the level of uric acid (a natural antioxidant) in a balance state. Suddenly bursting of excess the level of uric acid will lead to gout. If it gets too little, it may be associated with a molybdenum deficiency, copper toxicity and a worsening of multiple sclerosis.

Many important functions of Purines in the cell [2]
  • The formation of the monomeric precursors of nucleic acids DNA, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, and RNA, ribonucleic acid,.
  • It modulate energy metabolism and signal transduction.
  • It is structural components of some coenzymes and it plays important roles in the physiology of platelets, muscles and neurotransmission.
  • All cells require a balanced quantity of purines for growth, proliferation and survival.
  • The enzymes involved in the purine metabolism maintain in the cell a balanced ratio between their synthesis and degradation.
  • The final compound of purines catabolism is uric acid.

What does my body differ from others in term of gout attack?

Uric acid is a waste of cell metabolism from protein consumed. Higher concentration of serum level of uric acid not excreted by kidney causes crystal precipitation any where in the body especially at joint. It causes kidney failure if it precipitate in kidney. That's why a doctor will check your kidney to make sure it function well. Kidney is the only organ to get rid of such waste. It also regulate the serum level of uric acid in a balanced range. If you drink enough water, your concentration of serum level of uric acid will drop. You will not be likely to get gout attack. High strenuous exercise in a short time also will increase waste from the muscle and lead higher serum level of uric acid and lead to gout attack if you don't drink water after exercise. Therefore, drink enough water daily or after exercise, you will not be likely to get gout attack.

Nature Remedy of Gout attack
  1. Taking 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar in a cup of water twice a day will dissolve the crystal of precipitate at the joint. However, do not take the apple vinegar drink with empty stomach. Always have apple vinegar drink after your meals.
  2. Walk slowly and massage pain nearby area to make blood circulate well in the period.
  3. Take some anti-oxidant vitamin and grape extract C to help to reduce inflammation at the joint.
  4. Drink more water always in the period. It helps to reduce concentration of serum level of uric acid.
  5. Stop eating high purine-rich food in the period

Side effect of medicine to treat gout attack

Colchicine: diarrhea, nausea, cramping, abdominal pain, and vomiting may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
Indomethacin: vomiting, upset stomach, heartburn, diarrhea, a feeling of bowel fullness, constipation, bloating, gas, rectal irritation, dizziness, nervousness, headache, skin rash, itching, blurred vision, or ringing in your ears.
Stop taking the medicine if the symptom goes away. try not to take medicine if you can due to impairing your immune system.


Balanced purine-rich foods are essential to avoid spiking of serum level of uric acid. Avoiding strenuous exercise can reduce additional uric acid in the blood. Drinking more water daily may reduce serum level of uric acid and help kidney remove uric acid from your body. Drinking less water causes gout attack unless you have issues that add uric acid in the bloodstream.

Adding a little of vinegar in your diet may help to avoid from gout attack.
Most of uric acid is excreted (removed from your body) in your urine, or passes through your intestines to regulate "normal" levels. Normal Uric acid levels are 2.4-6.0 mg/dL(female) and 3.4-7.0 mg/dL (male).

Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. The kidneys filter out most of the creatinine and dispose of it in the urine. The kidneys maintain the blood creatinine in a normal range. Creatinine has been found to be a fairly reliable indicator of kidney function. Elevated creatinine level signifies impaired kidney function or kidney disease. The normal serum creatinine value are 0.5 to 1.0 mg/dL (about 45-90 μmol/L) for women and 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dL (60-110 μmol/L) for men.

[1] Choi HK1Liu SCurhan G. Intake of purine-rich foods, protein, and dairy products and relationship to serum levels of uric acid: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Jan;52(1):283-9.
[2] Jessica MaiuoloFrancesca OppedisanoSanto GratteriCarolina MuscoliVincenzo Mollace. Regulation of uric acid metabolism and excretion. Institute of Research for Food Safety & Health (IRC-FSH), University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Italy Received 10 August 2015, Accepted 10 August 2015, Available online 14 August 2015.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Exercise - the Cheapest Dose to Your Health

Exercise is the miracle cure we’ve always had, but for too long we’ve neglected to take suggested from ancestors and doctors. Our health is now degrading.
Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and even happier life.
People who do regular activity have a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.
Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
It is a way that you maintain your health without costing a lot. In addition, it likes foods that you need to eat every day. Is it boring you do it every day?

Some people want to lose weight by exercise every day for 30 minutes. Some people just don’t have time to do it every day.


Yoga has been around for thousands of years and it’s still around after all this time because it’s very effective for things like improving your inner consciousness, mind-body connection and spiritual health and flexibility and calming your mind.  However, it should NOT be considered an effective form of exercise.

Daily Chores

A new study from Northern Ireland finds that people who report housework as part of their weekly exercise tend to be heavier than those who get their exercise through more traditional means.

Richard Cotton, an exercise physiologist and national director of certification at the American College of Sports Medicine, agreed that people need to incorporate a broad range of physical activity into their exercise routine.
However, Cotton said that it would be hard to lose weight just by doing housework. You'll get the most reward for your time if you do more traditional physical activities, he said.
For instance, 30 minutes of vacuuming or sweeping floors burns about 130 calories, while 30 minutes of vigorous cycling on a stationary bike burns 400 calories, according to the Compendium of Physical Activities Tracking Guide, which lists the calories burned during many different types of physical activity.
But some housework does give you a bit of a workout. For instance, 30 minutes of mowing the lawn with a hand mower burns 215 calories, close to what you would burn in 30 minutes of combined jogging and walking.

Regular Exercise with Intensity

The American College of Sports Medicine reports that you can elevate your metabolism for up to 24 hours post-exercise by adding just one little twist to your exercise routine: intervals. All you have to do is inject brief periods of intense effort into your regular walks (or runs, swims, bicycling sessions, etc). The intensity effectively resets your metabolism to a slightly higher rate during your workout, and it takes hours for it to slow down again.

Tabata Training – four minutes, five times a week

A Tabata is a high-intensity exercise that has fitness and weight-loss benefits. It involves high-intensity interval-type training. Tabata comes from the man who invented it – Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese physician and researcher. He conducted research using an interval-based training model. He objective was to see if athletes would benefit from a 20/10 session repeated eight times. 20/10 means 20 seconds of all-out exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. This adds up to four minutes total.

Dr. Tabata took two groups and put them on an exercise program for six weeks. The control group did one hour of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week. The other group did the high-intensity Tabata-style training. That adds up to 1,800 minutes of training for the control group versus 120 minutes of training for the Tabata group over the six-week period. The results speak for themselves. The Tabata group improved both its aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. The anaerobic fitness level increased 28%.

An example of Tabata training for runners is 20-second sprints and 10 seconds of rest for 8 times.

Whatever exercise you use, Tabata training will raise your metabolism and heart rate immediately. Since you are performing these exercises at a very high intensity, your body will have to work much harder to keep it up. This will cause your heart to pump fast and your metabolism to jump, which you want if you are planning on losing fat. Your metabolism will stay at that high not only during the workout, but after the workout as well. This means that your body will be burning fat for hours after.

Tabata Workout example:

Push-Up (chest, shoulders, arms)

Crunch (abdomen)

Squat(thighs, butt)

Jumping Rope

How to do it: Do 20 seconds of push ups, then rest 10 seconds. Do 20 seconds of squats, then rest 10 seconds. 20 seconds of crunches, and rest. 20 seconds of skipping rope, and rest. And then do that whole cycle again – eight more times.
For example, high-intensity interval-type training gives a natural boost to human growth hormone (HGH) production—which is essential for optimal health, strength and vigor—and has been shown to significantly improve insulin sensitivity, boost fat loss, and increase muscle growth.

Make sure to add a sound nutritional program into your Tabata routine for the best and fastest results possible if losing weight is your goal. Nutrition is an important component of stay fit and being active. If you have poor nutrition, then your fitness goals will not be achieved. You will also not have the energy needed to workout at this level and intensity.

Whichever exercise you choose, your choices should use a large number of muscles to get maximum benefit. It is normal to feel some soreness during the first week of Tabata training. However, your body will adjust and you will only feel slight to moderate soreness after the beginning.

Note: Do it gradually and see your body fits at first. After high strenuous exercise, allow for at least 2 days for your body to recovery. In addition, drink lots of water after exercise in order to avoid high concentration of waste, such as uric acid,  in the blood steam otherwise it might incur gout attack or kidney failure. 


Exercise like foods we eat should have it on every day. It is hard you start at first time but you turn it into a habit in your daily routine if you are persistent. Many people don’t look at it seriously till they have lost it and are suffering.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


"More than half of men and women aged 50 years and older will develop hemorrhoid symptoms in their lifetime. In certain populations, up to 85% of pregnancies are affected by hemorrhoids in the third trimester. Individuals typically develop hemorrhoids after the age of 30. Over 80% of Canadians will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Men and women are equally affected. Women tend to be affected earlier due to pregnancy."  mentioned in Canadian Digestive Health Foundation.
Hemorrhoids is also known as "piles". They are swollen tissues located in the smooth muscles of the walls of the rectum and anus. They occur inside and outside of the anal area. They are annoy because they cause pain, itching, discomfort, burning and bleeding when you have constipation daily. The treatment of hemorrhoids are coagulation, sclerotherapy, band ligation and surgery.

Researchers are not certain what causes hemorrhoids. It's likely that extreme abdominal pressure causes the veins to swell by blocking the flow of blood through them. They then become susceptible to irritation. The increased pressure can be caused by obesity, pregnancy, standing or sitting for long periods, straining on the toilet, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and holding your breath while straining to do physical labor.

Hemorrhoid surgery is very common and is considered safe. However, every surgery has some risks including:
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Reaction to anesthesia
In addition, patients might have some trouble urinating because the pain following surgery makes it difficult to relax and allow urine to flow. Further, the anal sphincter might be damaged during surgery, which can lead to pain and/or accidental bowel leakage. In most cases, recovery takes about two weeks following hemorrhoidectomy. In some cases, it can take as long as three to six weeks to make a full recovery. However, it's important to eat a high-fiber diet, maintain good hygiene, and avoid becoming constipated, which can cause new hemorrhoids to form again.

One of hemorrhoid operation is called "Rubber band ligation of hemorrhoid". To remove a hemorrhoid using rubber band ligation, your doctor inserts a small tool called a ligator through a lighted tube (scope) in the anal canal and grasps the hemorrhoid with forceps. Sliding the ligator's cylinder upward releases rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoid. Rubber bands cut off the hemorrhoid's blood supply, causing it to wither and drop off.

How Can I Prevent Hemorrhoids From Reoccurring?

The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep stools soft so they are easy to pass and don't require straining. Eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of fluids (six to eight glasses each day) can help you stay regular and keep stools soft, and may reduce constipation and the need to strain on the toilet, lowering the risk of developing new hemorrhoids.
To prevent hemorrhoids, you’ll need to avoid straining during bowel movements. Some tips include:
  • Drink a lot of fluids.  Unless your medical condition prohibits it, you should consume seven or eight glasses of water each day.
  • Add 15 grams of fiber to your diet (two tablespoons of natural oat or wheat bran, Metamucil, Benefiber, flax or other soluble fiber).
  • Do not sit longer than two minutes on the toilet. If you can’t have a bowel movement in that time, come back later. This “two-minute” rule can help keep you from straining during bowel movements without realizing it.
  • During air travel, be sure to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol, eat fiber and walk around when you can.

Relieve Hemorrhoids Naturally

  1. Apply vitamin E capsule on anus area. Make sure the anus is clean and dry.  Place the opened end of the vitamin E capsule right up against the anus, and squeeze the capsule. Spread the slightly oily vitamin E around.
  2. Eat more fiber. Fiber can help soften stool and reduce the pain associated with hemorrhoids. Increasing fiber intake to 30 grams per day can help prevent constipation and the development of hemorrhoids.
  3. Drink more water. You need water for fiber to work.
  4. Eat less meat. Meat contains no fiber. eat grains, beans, vegetables and fruit, which are loaded with fiber.
  5. Exercise and Lose Weight. Overweight cause health decline. Without exercise, organs and internal system as a whole becomes sluggish and works at low levels. It will keep your digestive track active.
  6. Take Probiotics and Consume Probiotic-Rich Foods. Probiotics are essential for balancing the bacteria in your gut, which can prevent constipation and absolutely promotes overall health. Either take a high-quality probiotic supplement, or consume more probiotic-rich foods such as fermented foods like fermented cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, Korean kimchi.
  7. Avoid surgery.

Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: It is one of the most popular natural treatments for hemorrhoids.
  2. Rutin : A health-promoting compound found in numerous plants such as buckwheat, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, cranberries, and asparagus.  Rutin is another home remedy often used for hemorrhoids. Buying it in supplement form may be the best option.
  3. Witch Hazel: An astringent and healing tree, witch hazel is one of the oldest known natural remedies for hemorrhoids. Just soak a pad or cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it to the area.
  4. Aloe Vera:  simply apply aloe vera to the affected area to relieve symptoms.


Surgery is safe and effective to get rid of hemorrhoids. However, without personal eating and life style change, they will reoccur again. You have got them before but you don't want them back to annoy your life day to day. Following the preventative method mentioned above, Hemorrhoids won't come back to you.

Supplements (Suggestion)

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

12 Keys to Protect your Body Filter Organ - Kidneys

The latest statistics show about 2.4 million Canadians suffer from chronic renal failure, and nearly 95 per cent have never been told by a health care professional that they have kidney disease or dysfunction. "One of the issues that we see is that people are just not diagnosed quickly enough in terms of knowing that they are at risk for kidney disease," Terry Young, president of the Ontario branch of the Kidney Foundation of Canada, told CTV News[5].

He said one in 10 Canadians have kidney disease and millions more are at risk, adding that kidney failure is "one of the big health challenges" Canada is facing[5].

Kidney Functions

Your kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located just below your rib cage, one on each side of your spine. Every day, two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine. Urine flows from your kidneys to your bladder through tubes called ureters. Your bladder stores urine until releasing it through urination. 

There are three kidney functions[6].
·         removing waste products from the body, keeping toxins from building up in the bloodstream
·         producing hormones that control other body functions, such as regulating blood pressure and producing red blood cells
·         regulating the levels of minerals or electrolytes (e.g., sodium, calcium, and potassium) and fluid in the body

Signs of kidney failure

Kidney disease usually progresses silently, often destroying most of the kidney function before causing any symptoms. Therefore, people at risk of developing kidney failure should be evaluated regularly by urine and blood test[4].

Cause of Kidney Failure

The most common causes of chronic renal failure in North America are diabetes mellitus (type 1 or type 2 diabetes) and high blood pressure[6].

Treatment of Kidney Failure

When kidneys can't function at all, kidney dialysis or a transplant is the only way to remove the body's waste products.

Kidney Transplant

In American, there are 122,000 people waiting for kidney transplanted. Most of them cannot wait till death. There are at least 22 people dying due to kidney failure every day. There are 15,000 people got kidney transplanted from those dying or accidental people. There are 5,000 people got their kidney transplanted from living people who donate their kidney. Protecting you kidney is essential to your health life.


Kidney dialysis uses a special machine to filter harmful wastes, salt, and excess fluid from your blood. it restores the blood to a normal, balanced state.

You cannot live without at least one functioning kidney. Dialysis is the only way to replace your kidney function currently. Without a kidney transplant, you will need dialysis for the rest of your life. Maintaining and protecting your kidneys is most important for your healthy life.

There are ways to protect your kidney[1][2][3].

1   Eat healthier foods. high in sodium and phosphorus additives can have negative effects to your kidneys. Eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legume, low GI foods.
 Limiting salt and caffeine. Limiting salt and caffeine intake is especially important if you have high blood pressure, which is the second leading cause of kidney disease and also increases your risk for heart attack and stroke.
3  Set aside time to relax. Find something you feel relax. Taking vacation, window shopping etc.
4  Exercise regularly. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins – chemicals that have been shown to boost mood and reduce feelings of pain. Regular exercise can also help lower high blood pressure and even small amounts of physical activity have been proven to lower stress levels.
 Maintain a positive attitude and outlook. How you think impacts how you feel, so maintaining a positive outlook and reducing stress can play an important role in staying healthy.
 Get plenty of sleep.
Do not take over-the-counter pills on a regular basis. Common drugs such non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are known to cause kidney failure if taken regularly.
Do not smoke. Smoking slows the flow of blood to the kidneys. When less blood reaches the kidneys, it impairs their ability to function properly. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer by about 50 percent.
Drink 1.5 to 2 litres (3 to 4 pints) of water per day. According to researchers in Australia and Canada, drinking plenty of fluid helps the kidneys clear sodium, urea and toxins from the body which, in turn, results in a “significantly lower risk” of developing chronic kidney disease.
10  Monitor blood pressure and blood glucose if you are diabetes. Although many people may be aware that high blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart attack, few know that it is also the most common cause of kidney damage.
11  Limit alcohol intake.
12  Lose weight if you are overweight.


B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, are important for proper kidney function because they help keep dangerous homocysteine levels from building up in the blood. Homocysteine damages blood vessels and is associated with many diseases of aging, including chronic renal failure. 
For optimum kidney health and overall good health, I recommend taking a high-quality vitamin B complex that contains at least the following dosages: : 50 mg each of thiamine, riboflavin (B2), niacin/niacinamide, B6, and pantothenic acid, plus 400 micrograms of folic acid/folate, 12 mcg of B12, and 100 mcg of biotin.[7]

Essential (well balanced nutrition contains B complex daily) , Biomega

Note: do NOT take B complex only supplements because balanced nutrition is the key. Taking only one supplement may cause other nutrition shortage, causing in-balanced in your body system.

Did this help you ? if not, send an email to me. Otherwise I would greatly appreciate it if you shared on Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram etc with others.

Contact Me If you want to know more about how to reach your health goal.


[4]Kidney foundation of Canada.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Healthy Life without Diabetes

Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder. It is associated with too much glucose in the blood. Naturally, as we digest foods, our body will maintain sugar balance in the blood by releasing insulin, a polypeptide hormone, produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. The hormone will turn on cells to store sugar inside. As you constantly eat high GI diets, insulin released always pop up from the pancreas to lower spike sugar level in the blood. Besides, oxidation stress or aging occur on cells and pancreas. Therefore, insulin resistance starts to build up on cells. More insulin is required to low your blood sugar but your body pancreas cannot produce extra insulin to regulate. As a result, nerve, blood vessels and organs will damage due to too much sugar in the blood. Lots of people with diabetes are not aware of till symptom, such as sugar in urine, extreme fatigue, blurry vision, tingling or numbness in the hands/feet etc. happen in some days.

Statistic Fact
The total population with diabetes in Canada is estimated to be 2.7 million people (7.6%) in 2010, and is projected to rise to 4.2 million people (10.8%) by 2020. While the number of Canadians diagnosed with diabetes is already high, an additional almost one million are estimated to have the disease but do not know it. Currently, one in four Canadians lives with diabetes, undiagnosed diabetes, or prediabetes; this will rise to one in three by 2020 if current trends continue. 
Impact of diabetes:
• Diabetes complications are associated with premature death. It is estimated that one of ten deaths in Canadian adults was attributable to diabetes in 2008/09.[2]
• People with diabetes are over three times more likely to be hospitalized with cardiovascular disease, 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with end-stage renal disease and over 20 times more likely to be hospitalized for a non-traumatic lower limb amputation compared to the general population.[3]
• Thirty per cent of people with diabetes have clinically relevant depressive symptoms; individuals with depression have an approximately 60% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.[3]
• Foot ulceration affects an estimated 15-25% of people with diabetes. One-third of amputations in 2011- 2012 were performed on people reporting a diabetic foot wound.[4]

• Some populations are at higher risk of type 2 diabetes, such as those of South Asian, Asian, African, Hispanic or Aboriginal descent, those who are overweight, older or have low income. Diabetes rates are 3-5 times higher in First Nations, a situation compounded by barriers to care for Aboriginal people.[3]
 • Fifty-seven percent of Canadians with diabetes reported they cannot adhere to prescribed treatment due to the high out-of-pocket cost of needed medications, devices and supplies. The average cost for these supports is >3% of income or >$1,500.[5]
• As a result of stigma or fear of stigma, 37% of Canadians with type 2 diabetes surveyed by the Canadian Diabetes Association reported they do not feel comfortable disclosing their diabetes.

Cause of Diabetes
Obesity is a leading cause of insulin resistance – at least 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight.
Over 60 % of Canadian adults are overweight or obese.[11] Close to one third(31.5%) of children and adolescents are overweight or obese.[12].

Preventing Diabetes [7]
Type 2 diabetes can be reduced by healthy lifestyle choices. Factors to consider include:

Weight Loss – The Body Mass Index(BMI) is a simple, widely accepted way of assessing body weight in relation to health for most people aged 20 to 65BMI is calculated by dividing the individual's body weight by the square of their height (Kg/m2).

Eating Healthy - By eating foods that are rich in fibre, reducing the amount of fat in food selections and adding more fruits and vegetables, a person can help control their diet and maintain or lose weight.Body fat stored around the abdomen (rather than the hips and thighs) is also a risk factor for   developing type 2 diabetes.

Regular Exercise – it is a key element in controlling weight and reducing the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.

Managing High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Glucose - Diabetes and high blood pressure are often found together. Up to three-quarters of people with undiagnosed diabetes have high blood pressure.

Nature Way to Treat Diabetes

Clinical research studies show that a low-fat, plant-based diet improves insulin sensitivity, helps with weight loss and reduces blood sugar and cholesterol. The Physicians Committee recommends five easy steps to end diabetes:[13]

1. Avoid animal products, daily products.
2. Avoid added vegetable oils.
3. Low glycemic index foods.
4. Go high fiber.
5. Focus on four food groups: grains, legumes, fruits and vegetable.

Supplement with Vitamins and Minerals

Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling declared:"Nearly all disease can be traced to a nutritional deficiency". A balanced and high quality supplements are also important to our daily body cell metabolism and antioxidants to avoid oxidation stress from our environments. Aging is one of symptom happening on very one of us. How beautiful you were when you were young. Now, A few wrinkles appear on your face. I believe everyone can live over 90 years old. Therefore, Protecting your body and avoiding from chronic illness are your responsibility to achieve your healthy life. Without health, it is all nothing to fulfill your passion and dream. 

No one is perfect to pick foods with all essential nutritional value every day. We are human with emotion and feeling not a robot, so adding vitamins and minerals to your daily diet can help provide your body with the proper nutrients that you may not be getting from your food. You make sure to find the best high quality product.

Alpha Lipoic Acid(ALA): the antioxidant can smash insulin resistance and autoimmune disease[10]. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) has many functions, but it’s one of the most effective free radical scavengers, and the only one known to easily get into your brain. It also has the ability to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, and glutathione.  So, when your body has used up these antioxidants, if there’s ALA around, it helps regenerate them. 

Avoid Inflammation - all chronic diseases

Did this help you ? if not, send an email to me. Otherwise I would greatly appreciate it if you shared on Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram etc.

Shoot me an email to get supplement product I have tried.

[1] Estimated diabetes statistics in Canada are generated by the Canadian Diabetes Cost Model.
[2] Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011). Diabetes in Canada: Facts and figures from a public health perspective. Ottawa, Ont.: Public Health Agency of Canada. Retrieved from
[3] Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee. (2013). Canadian Diabetes Association 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Canada. Can J Diabetes, 37 (suppl 1).
[4] Canadian Institute for Health Information. (2013). Compromised wounds in Canada. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Institute for Health Information. Retrieved from
[5] Canadian Diabetes Association. (2011). The burden of out-of-pocket costs for Canadians with diabetes. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Diabetes Association. Available at
[6] Canadian Diabetes Association. (March 2011). Diabetes: Canada at the tipping point. The public perspective: a national survey. Available at
[8] Alpha-lipoic acid: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential in diabetes Rochette L, Ghibu S, Muresan A, Vergely C.  Can Journal Physiol Pharmacol 2015 Dec.
[9] Nutrition Review 2008 Nov Alpha-lipoic acid supplementation and diabetes.
[11] Statistics Canada.(2012). Body composition of Canadian adults, 2009-2011. Retrieved from
[12] Statistics Canada. (2012). Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: results from the 2009 to 2011. Canadian Health Measures Survey. Retrieved from
[13] Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes.